The best parties are unplanned

I am back after my first blogging hiatus. It was totally unplanned. It got me thinking about the difference between a planned break and an unplanned break. I took four days off from posting. One was for a very practical reason, I am very involved in a family move. A deeply beautiful and complex collaborative process where we are all working together to move two aging family members. There’s so much involved in that my time spent for blogging was often spent on that. I am grateful to be of service and that there’s so much forward movement happening for the highest good of all concerned.

And that’s not the only reason I didn’t post. Yesterday I presented at an altMBA alumni group called the Opal book club. I was asked by its founder, Yorg, to present. He asked me in May when July was in the distant future. I was so honored and excited to be asked, knowing that a deadline is always so motivating to me and that this opportunity could be a potential launch pad for the work I wanted to do coming out of altMBA. The opportunity to pull my ideas together into a talk. But what would I talk about and focus on? As the weeks and days came closer I found myself swirling with ideas. By the time he asked me for my theme, The deadline came and went. One day I checked my slack and got a notification from Yorg. In a very friendly way he said that he took the liberty of choosing a topic from my blog. He gave me a link to the agenda for the Meeting where I would be presented. Much to my surprise and delight, he chose “Love More Today” from the poem I wrote for and inspired by my dear friend Danay who had transitioned a year ago.

yesterday was the big talk! I did it! And afterwards I welled up with tears and said, “we did it!” To Danay.

I think that there was something energetically leading up to that talk that caused me to need to give myself space from blogging. I did not realize that ahead of time but the creative momentum leading up to it took a lot of space. In addition a lot of the logistics for the family move.

I trust the process of life and I’m open to the end and flow of my own energy, my creative process and world rising up to call me to serve.

when I thought of the word unplanned at the beginning of this post I thought of Gemma, my mentor and darling darling friend, the world renowned artist Gemma Taccogna. She always said the best parties are unplanned. So I like to think of my little hiatus as a party. An unplanned party that unfolded beautifully, exactly the way it needed to. And I will also give myself the space and grace to take planned breaks as needed and wanted.

good things, darling.

PS darling readers. This post was written on my couch and dictated with my children within earshot. They were busy each in their play areas. And my son asked me about the word transition that he heard me saying. It led to a beautiful conversation. It was my first time ever attempting to blog that way and I am open to wrapping my arms around blogging and my children and life and death and family and all of it. Not waiting until the very end of the day made this post happen. Progress. Growth. Learning.


Firsts and lasts


The Emerald City of the Soul