Listen With Love

Where to begin?

Listen to the din

The clitter clatter of life all around

The pitter patter of love that surrounds

How many hearts are beating right now?

What do they hold?

Who will be bold and live their heart’s truth?

Who will play small and pretend there’s a roof?

There is no limit to what is possible

Every single river is crossable

Whether you swim or you fly

Or take a different path so high

I ask myself, will I?

Will I keep walking when the path’s not clear?

Will I keep dreaming even when fear is near?

Then I remember 

I know how to steer

I know what is false and what is true

I follow the true

It leads me where I need to go

And sometimes the wind blows extra strong

And some days will feel extra long

My heart is a compass

Aligned to true north

When I listen to the truth

There is no roof

I see the sun moon and stars up above

I listen with love

-Melissa Renzi

Sunday June 27, 2021

Amherst, MA

I wrote this after my first day of the Listening Path morning pages. No surprise that I wrote about listening. Both listening to the sounds of the world all around. And listening to the guidance of the all-knowing heart. To be clear, this was not part of my morning pages. Morning pages are not to be shared or even read by their writer. (Reading morning pages comes much later. I will on occasion share something from morning pages much, much later. Nothing on this blog is from morning pages yet. It’s all from other writing, much of the poetry is written after morning pages in a different section of the same journal.)


She Speaks In Rainbows


Wisdom, Woe or Wow